Under the Same Sky

Under the Same Sky

By Author / Illustrator

Britta Teckentrup



Age range(s)



Little Tiger Press Group








We sing the same songs, caught on the breeze... We sing the same songs, across the same seas.

Written and illustrated by the award-winning Britta Teckentrup, this beautiful and heart-warming peek-through picture book celebrates the closeness of the world's communities through their shared hopes and dreams.



Under the Same Sky is the most beautiful of books which has so many reasons it would be good to use. Britta Teckentrup has created a simple story which at first glance combines beautiful animal illustrations with a lovely poem about what we share living under the same sky. However, when you take this a bit deeper, I believe this book has meaning on a whole different level. I would use this book as a great book to complement a lesson or series of lesson on diversity and tolerance. Although in the book the illustrations focus on different animals and how they sing the same songs, play the same games, face the same storms - I would use this to link this to how people need to live under the same sky together, young, old, rich, poor, black, white, religious, non-religious. No matter what our differences we need to live together and acknowledge each others' differences. There is a beautiful kindness that comes from this book and I think I will be using this in future assemblies about diversity, tolerance and acceptance. On a separate idea - this would make a lovely wedding gift to a newly wed couple. Gorgeous book with a beautiful poem to start a lifetime together. Picture book / Ages 4+ / Reviewed by Marie Berry, teacher.

Suggested Reading Age 5+


Britta Teckentrup's beautiful painterly imagery, clever peep-throughs and simple rhyming text make this picture book a real treat to share with younger children. It's also a wonderful reminder about the oneness of our Earth - wherever we come from, we all live 'Under the Same Sky'; we sing the same songs, play the same games, and feel the same love. Teckentrup takes us across a variety of landscapes - frozen ice, mountains, the sea and forests where each of the animals lives with their young. The peep-throughs are integral to the flow of the text and the images, and really add another layer to this story, until we reach the final spreads where we turn the page to see the moon shining down on all theses creatures. A lovely story that can be used to introduce children to the idea that, somewhere else in the world, are children just like them and that while we are all different, our similarities are greater than our differences. Picture book / Ages 3+ years / Reviewed by Emma Castle.

Suggested Reading Age 5+


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