The Book of Pearl

The Book of Pearl

By Author / Illustrator

Timothee de Fombelle, Sarah Ardizzone



Age range(s)



Walker Books Ltd




Paperback / softback




An ode to the power of storytelling by one of France's greatest writers for children.

A compelling story of a first love that defines a lifetime; perfect for fans of David Levithan, told with the intricate and beautiful writing style of bestselling author Timothee de Fombelle. Joshua Pearl is from a world that our own no longer believes in. He knows that his great love is waiting for him in that distant place, but he is trapped in our time. As his memories begin to fade, he discovers strange objects, tiny fragments of a story from a long time ago. Can Joshua remember the past and believe in his own story before his love is lost for ever?



This is a story of stories and you need your wits about you as each strand is introduced, coming together masterfully at the end. Stories of Ilian, Olia, Joshua Pearl and the narrator (who, now I come to think of it, doesn't have a name I can recall) entwined throughout the book to what we have to hope is a 'happily ever after'. On the subject of the narrator, I have to admit to a teeth-grinding frustration. Near the conclusion of the story, Olia sighs at him, 'you're no use to me at all' - beautifully summing up my increasing exasperation at the boy-turned-man standing before her who had singularly failed to grasp his part in the story; his self centred obsession to vindicate his memories and not the lives of the main players. But the fact that these words on a page can invoke such reaction in me is surely testament to the excellent prose! The fabric of this story is woven from the threads of Kingdoms; Kingdoms whose stories have been told, Kingdoms where ogres wear seven-league boots, and fairy godmothers could make carriages spring from pumpkins. Kingdoms so very different to ours, a world without magic - the one world where they don't believe in fairies or tales - to which Ilian is banished. But this is not a story about fairies, it's about devotion and love, love that defines a lifetime, about grief, obsession, belief and bravery. Sarah Ardizzone (translator of the splendid 'April the Red Goldfish') and Sam Gordon have done a fabulous job in the translation of Timothee De Fombelle's novel. It retains an elegant, sophisticated simplicity which I enjoyed reading. As you are led through the Kingdoms, through pre- and post-war France, expect a fairytale, expect love, expect a tyrannical sibling. Expect to finish the book and lend it to a friend because you need someone with whom you can discuss the ending! 384 pages / Ages 12+ / Reviewed by Catherine Purcell, school librarian.

Suggested Reading Age 11+


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