Tom Palmer

Tom Palmer

About Author

Tom is the author of two football fiction series for Puffin.

Foul Play is a five-book series about a fourteen-year-old boy who tries to solve football-related crimes, such as kidnapped players and murderer managers. Aimed at school years 5-8.

Football Academy is about an under-twelve team at a Premier League football club. Aimed at school years 3-6.

Tom lives in Yorkshire with his wife and daughter. He visits at least 200 schools every year.

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Why do you write about football?

I like football. I think it's good to write about something you are passionate about. But I write about a lot more than that.

Such as?

The Foul Play books are about adventure, but also I like to show what I think football should be about - not glamour and money, but fans and the game without all the nonsense.

My Football Academy books are about families and friendships. Boys from Poland, struggling in the UK. Boys with dads in prisons. Bullying. Being a good friend. And - most importantly - dads.

Why dads?

I had three dads. I became a dad six years ago. The role of dads who are there or the absence of dads is a bit of an obsession for me.

So what do you write about dads in your books?

Step dads. Dads who want to push their sons too far. Dads who are really supportive. Dads who are not there.

And how do you research all this?

Talking to boys in school. They want to talk about their dads, once I tell them about the books. Sometimes heartbreaking stories that I would never use in a book. Sometimes lovely stories that I ask if I can use.


You do a lot of work with family reading groups. Why?

My mum got me into reading. I think families have a massive role to play when it comes to getting children reading. Schools and libraries are, of course, vital, but mums and dads can be the key.

How did your mum get you reading?

Using football. I was not interested in reading at all. But she got me reading match reports, magazines, then books. Then my confidence in reading took off.

How old were you then?

After you'd finished school?

Yes. I was unemployed. Early 1980s. Once I got the reading bug I went to night school to do A levels, then on to university.

What did you study?

European Literature. I loved it. Books from France, Russia, Italy, Germany, etc. All in translation.

Then what happened?

I got a job in a bookshop, then a library, then a book festival.

Then you became an author?

Yes, while still working for libraries. I was a reader development officer, putting on activities, events and book groups.

Author's Titles