24 Hours In the Stone Age

24 Hours In the Stone Age

By Author / Illustrator

Lan Cook, Laurent Kling


Comics & Graphic Novels

Age range(s)



Usborne Publishing Ltd








Join a young cave-dweller for a day, as she goes hunting, makes her own stone tools and creates amazing cave art. Learn all about the dangers of life in the Stone Age, what makes a good shelter and what edible plants can be gathered in the wild as you spend a day in the Stone Age.



24 Hours in the Stone Age is one of the best resources I have found written for this time period. It is written in an incredibly engaging way and is both entertaining and informative.

It follows the life of Auri, a child living in the Stone Age, and her family as they survive in the wilds. The book takes you through their daily lives in the Stone Age, with everything from the roles of the family members to diet, arts and crafts and hunting. It is written in almost a graphic novel format and my class have found this incredibly accessible. It has been very popular in the classroom with it being borrowed from the class library time and time again.

This book walks the balance between a story and historical fact brilliantly - Dr James Dilley, an experimental archaeologist, consults on this book so you can trust that everything is historically accurate. I have used this book to plan a history unit for years 3 and 4; being able to link learning with narrative always hooks our cohort in and I know that they will invest in the life of Auri. Through every step of Auri's day, we have drawn comparisons to our way of life and compared the similarities and differences between the two time periods as well as the sources of information that have led us to believe what we know about the Stone Age.

64 pages / Reviewed by Nicola Mansfield Niemi

Suggested Reading Age 7+


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