Life on Earth: Ocean: With 100 Questions and 70 Lift-flaps!

Life on Earth: Ocean: With 100 Questions and 70 Lift-flaps!

By Author / Illustrator

Heather Alexander, Andres Lozano



Age range(s)



Wide Eyed Editions




Board book




How do fish breathe? Why is the ocean salty? Why is a whale not a fish? Find out the answers to these and many more questions in this brilliant interactive lift-the-flap fact book. Embark on an epic journey under the sea looking for fish and other ocean creatures beneath the waves, learn what shells are for, find out which sea creatures are the most dangerous, and take a closer look at a coral reef. This fascinating fact-filled book is the perfect introduction to life under the sea.



This non-fiction book answers 100 questions about Oceans. through a series of lift-flaps, illustrations and text boxes that are designed to look bright and engaging. The sentences are simple and use subject specific terminology. One in a series of books, this is easier to digest as each page is more spacious and supported by more illustrations. Similar to others in the series, the book doesn't have an index/contents or subheadings, thus it may make this book a little challenging for researching specific facts about the ocean. However, this book would be engaging for children who are keen on non-fiction, and the lift-the-flap parts make it engaging to younger readers. In class, you could use this story to introduce a topic about oceans, and it would be a good text for building text retrieval skills, or answering reading comprehensions about it. The text would also provoke good discussion about non-fiction as a genre, because it lacks some of the usual features of a non-fiction text. 16 pages / Ages 6-8 years / Reviewed by Lizi Backhouse, teacher.

Suggested Reading Age 5+


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