Matisse's Magical Trail

Matisse's Magical Trail

By Author / Illustrator

Tim Hopgood, Sam Boughton



Age range(s)



Oxford University Press




Paperback / softback




A beautiful, colourful and bold picture book that encourages children to notice the small things, think big, and express themselves! Matisse is a young snail who loves to create beautiful drawings with his trail. The trouble is most of the time people are far too busy to even notice them. It's only when a child notices Matisse's beautiful trails that his art is finally celebrated - and they inspire a whole class of children to get creativetoo!



Matisse is a small, shy snail who spends much of his time trying not to get squashed under the feet of people. The world outside his shell seems big and scary to him. But when the night comes and world seems quiet, Matisse is able to do what he loves most.....draw Using any backdrop he can find for a canvas, Matisse creates wonderful pieces of art. Unfortunately for Matisse, these masterpieces go unnoticed for some time. That is until a small ball finds one of them on a pebble. Soon all his friends know about the snail who can draw! However, Matisse is a shy snail and it takes some coaxing for him to finally reveal him self as the master artist. Before long, the children he has befriended have filled his drawings with colour, creating a world that is bright and beautiful once more. So much so that people all over stop, stare and smile together. Tim Hopgood has created a feel-good book that delivers the message that everyone can shine, no matter how small. The text is easy to follow and accessible to all children, particularly children within an EYFS setting. Schools could certainly develop artwork around this book to utilize for more than just a story time read. The illustrations by Sam Boughton are wonderful and the use of watercolour (or the effect of) really connects with the story. I think Sam's work is a true strength to this book. I would certainly read this to a group of young children but it didn't hook me enough to establish itself as a new favourite. Certainly worth a read during a story time though to allow children to make their own judgement....after all, they are the true audience. Picture book / Ages 3+ / Reviewed by Kyle Matravers, teacher

Suggested Reading Age 3+


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