Old Man of the Sea

By Author / Illustrator
Stella Elia, Weberson Santiago
Age range(s)
Lantana Publishing
Old Man of the Sea is a book of poignancy and sentiment, gently lulling you into the life of a Granddad whose love and admiration for his grandson provokes feelings of sentiment and love. Every Sunday, a little boy visits his granddad and they talk or sit in silence. One day, however, the grandfather begins to tell his grandson about his adventures during his life at sea. This is a great book that would be most suited to key stage one offering a wealth of opportunity to continue the exploration of different continents and cultures introduced briefly in the book. Time lines could be developed to track the Grandad's journeys and the relevant use of time conjunctions could be taught alongside. A large world map or collage could be constructed as part of a whole class activity with key features of each country detailed. This is a truly wealthy book in every respect but one that fundamentally recognises the passing of time and the beauty of story telling through the generations. Picture book / Ages 5+ / Reviewed by Louise Gahan, teacher
Suggested Reading Age 5+