The Worrying Worries

By Author / Illustrator
Rachel Rooney, Zehra Hicks
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Age range(s)
Andersen Press Ltd
What happens when you get a Worry? They can follow you around everywhere, and they are HUNGRY. They feed on your fears and put sad thoughts in your head until they’ve grown so big, it can be hard to get anything done! Luckily, the Worry Expert knows exactly what to do.
When a little child finds a worry, they decide to keep it as a pet and take it everywhere with them. Soon, the worry starts to take over their life, making it hard for them to do anything that they normally enjoy. Feeding on fears, the worry grows to such an extent that the child knows they can no longer keep it, so they head to consult the Worry Expert. With words of wisdom and some sound advice, the worry is soon under control, allowing the child to start enjoying life again.
Perfect for starting discussions about anxiety, The Worrying Worries is an excellent book for sharing at home and in school. Clearly showing how small worries can grow to become all-consuming, the story offers practical exercises for keeping calm which anyone can use whilst reading the story or whenever the need arises.
The illustrations are perfect. Zehra Hicks has managed to make the worry look like something you wouldn't want hanging around without making it scary or intimidating. Although the child doesn't seem to notice, there are other children in the pictures who have their own worries, something children reading the story are sure to spot.
In the final spread where everyone is playing in the park, someone is sweeping up all the worries which the children have overcome as they are no longer 'worried sick'!
Presenting a challenging topic in an accessible, engaging manner, The Worrying Worries is perfect for sharing.
Picture book / Reviewed by Susan Wilsher, teacher
Suggested Reading Age 3+