Ways to Say I Love You

Ways to Say I Love You

By Author / Illustrator

Madeleine Cook, Fiona Lee


Family & Home

Age range(s)



Oxford University Press




Paperback / softback




'How do I say I love you? I tell you in so many ways. Holding you close when you are small . . .'   In this warm and cosy book, children grow and families have busy lives, but there is always time and just so many different ways to say 'I love you'. Love can be a word or a hug. It can be a shared experience or activity, a helping hand or a simple wave goodbye. This beautiful picture book shares the idea that love is expressed differently, by many different people, but that it is also the thing that we all have in common.



This beautiful book arrived to read on Valentine's Day and what a lovely book it is to share. Ways to Say I Love You is a celebration of LOVE with caring words and gorgeous illustrations modelling to children different ways to show LOVE and care for each other. Such a positive book which brought smiles and joy when reading it. Ways to Say I Love You is a must for every classroom and for homes.

Picture book / Reviewed by Maria, teacher

Suggested Reading Age 3+


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