Conference to celebrate National Non-Fiction November 23

Posted on Thursday, September 21, 2023
Category: News

Conference to celebrate National Non-Fiction November 23

You Couldn't Make it Up!, a one-day non-fiction conference that forms part of the National Non-Fiction November 2023 (NNFN) celebrations, will be held on Saturday 11th November in Somerset.

The event will be run by the Somerset branch of the Federation of Children's Books, which is inviting members and non-members of the federation to come and enjoy a day of discovery and to meet a host of current non-fiction stars, including Nicola Davies, Andy Seed and Isabel Thomas.  Sue Wilsher, who is running the event, said, "We have an incredible line up of speakers. It will be a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded lovers of information books!"

Isabel Thomas is the author of many non-fiction titles including Moth, The Bedtime Book of Impossible Questions and Thirty Trillion Cells. Andy Seed's books are full of humour and include the Interview with a… series and The Clue is in the Poo. Famous for her time as a presenter on The Really Wild Show, Nicola Davies is now equally well-known for her writing, both fiction and non-fiction. Her books include Tiny: The Invisible World of Microbes, Lots and One World.

Isabel Thomas, Nicola Davies and Andy Seed will take part in the NNFN one-day conference in Somerset

There will also be presentations from publishers, highlighting some of their non-fiction titles, and a publisher exhibition and a bookshop, to explore non-fiction titles.  Delegates will also have the chance to win one of two free places at a CLPE Non-Fiction webinar.

The one-day conference will take place at Sidcot School in Winscombe, Somerset, from 9am to 4pm. Tickets are £10 for FCBG members and £20 for non-members. Book your tickets via Eventbrite, or for member's tickets, email [email protected].