His Dark Materials comes to BBC1

Posted on Sunday, September 22, 2019

Look out for the first episode of His Dark Materials, airing on BBC1 on 3rd November. The first eight episodes are based on Northern Lights, the first book in the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman.

The series will air every week until the end of December. Filming - which finished last December - took place mainly in Cardiff at Wolf Studios Wales, as well as among the dreaming spires of Oxford, where the first instalment of the book series begins. Author Philip Pullman said he was "looking forward immensely to seeing how it looks". The second series will follow the events of sequel, The Subtle Knife, while the as-yet unconfirmed series three would adapt The Amber Spyglass. James McAvoy will star as Lord Asriel, with The Affair's Ruth Wilson as the magnetic and dangerous Mrs Coulter. Dafne Keen, a British and Spanish child actor who you might have seen playing Wolverine's daughter in Marvel's Logan, will play Lyra, an orphan who is raised by the Master and scholars of a (fictional) Oxford college, Jordan. We can't wait! In the meantime, you can watch the latest official trailer here:

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