Time travel with Ross Welford - and a tortoise!

Posted on Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Category: Video/Vlog

Ross Welford introduces Time Travelling with a Tortoise, the sequel to Time Travelling with a Hamster, and a whole new time travel adventure!

In Time Travelling with a Tortoise, the sequel to Time Travelling with a Hamster, we revisit the world of Al Chaudhury and his family to find out how Al's time travel adventures have affected his family.   Not everything, we discover, has ended happily ever after...  Can time travelling one more time put everything right?

Time Travelling With A Hamster, opens with 12 year-old Al Chaudhury receiving a mysterious letter containing instructions on where he will find a time machine that his father was working on before he died. Of course, Al experiments with the time machine, going back to 1984 where he meets his own dad as a boy. And that's where things start to go very wrong indeed, and Al must use all his courage and intelligence to put his world back in order.  

In the follow-up, Time Travelling With A Tortoise, Al has to risk another trip in the time-machine and must face up to some difficult - even heart-breaking - decisions, in order to put everything right.   

Read an extract from Time Travelling with a Tortoise.

Find out more from author Ross Welford.