Britannica's 5-Minute Really True Stories for Family Time

Britannica's 5-Minute Really True Stories for Family Time

By Author / Illustrator

Britannica Group


Non Fiction

Age range(s)



What on Earth Publishing Ltd








What did the world's first playgrounds look like? What do families all over the world eat for breakfast? How did dinosaurs look after their babies? In this compendium of 5-minute really true stories you will meet all types of family - human and animal! - and learn about the many ways they spend time together. From family bicycle rides to animal migrations, and from tidy up time to cosying up with pets, discover the amazing science and history of family activities. With up-to-the-minute, expert information and stunning illustrations, this book will bring out the joy of the everyday things we do at family time.



Britannica's compendium of '5 Minute Really True Stories for Family Time' features 30 different sections that inform the reader about all sorts of different lifestyles - both human and animal. The book claims that each story takes 5 minutes and I'm dubious on this as there is a lot of information packed into each section and to allow children to fully digest it, you really need to devote a bit more time to them. I also wouldn't describe them as stories - it's more like fact-files or short studies on different things, such as how humans get food or cycling as a means of travel for example. The accompanying pictures are interesting and help give meaning to the very wordy texts.

This is probably a good starting block for research or to enjoy with a child who enjoys non-fiction books but would benefit from a different writing style. In the classroom, it could be used within whole class reading lessons as there is plenty of opportunity for comprehension skills to be developed!

192 Pages / Reviewed by Lizi Backhouse, teacher

Suggested Reading Age 9+


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