Clariel: Prequel to the internationally bestselling Old Kingdom fantasy series

By Author / Illustrator
Garth Nix
Age range(s)
Hot Key Books
Paperback / softback
The highly anticipated prequel to Garth Nix's astonishingly successful OLD KINGDOM series - now available in paperback!Sixteen-year-old Clariel is not adjusting well to her new life in the city of Belisaere, the capital of the Old Kingdom. She misses roaming freely within the forests of Estwael, and she feels trapped within the stone city walls. It seems, too, that the city itself is descending into chaos, as the ancient rules binding Abhorsen, King and Clayr appear to be disintegrating.With the discovery of a dangerous Free Magic creature loose in the city, Clariel is given the chance both to prove her worth and make her escape. But events spin rapidly out of control. Clariel finds herself more trapped than ever, until help comes from an unlikely source - and at a terrible cost. Clariel must question the motivations and secret hearts of everyone around her - and it is herself she must question most of all.
Clariel is the long-awaited prequel to Garth Nix's hugely popular Old Kingdom series. Clariel is sixteen and forced to move from her beloved Great Forest to the bustling city of Belisaere. There she finds a city in tumultuous transition - a King unwilling to rule, Abhorsens absent from their duties and a lack of respect for the respective powers of charter and free magic. Clariel feels trapped by the confines of the city and the expectations on her and eventually makes her escape when she realises her future is intricately bound with that of the city and its people. Headstrong and solitary, and beset by ancestral rages Clariel makes a series of shocking decisions and events spiral drastically and fatally out of control. For fans of the series (I have not read the other books) I imagine there will be much to recognise in the narrative but Clariel can equally be enjoyed as a standalone read. It is wonderfully written and the multi-faceted plot is expertly woven together. There is an expansive cast of characters and extravagant landscapes to be enjoyed. However, many of the characters (including Clariel) are hard to like/engage with and the pace (particularly at the beginning) can be slow. Despite these reservations, it's a book to persevere with and is ultimately a richly-rewarding read and a must for fans of fantasy fiction. 400 pages / Ages 12+ / Reviewed by Clare Wilkins.
Suggested Reading Age 11+