Hope Jones Saves the World

By Author / Illustrator
Josh Lacey, Beatriz Castro
Environment & Nature
Age range(s)
Andersen Press Ltd
Paperback / softback
Hope Jones' New Year's resolution is to give up plastic, and she's inspiring others to do the same with her website, hopejonessavestheworld.com. When she realises her local supermarket seems to stock more unnecessary plastic than food, she makes it her mission to do something about it. She may be just one ten-year-old with a homemade banner, but with enough determination, maybe Hope Jones really can save the world.
A modern twist to the diary format, this time in the shape of a blog written by Hope Jones, aged 10. Hope's family all make New Year resolutions and Hope's is to start to reduce her consumption of plastic. Inspired by a documentary about the oceans and the plastic affecting marine life, Hope researched and found how harmful plastic was considering we are all surrounded by it. On a visit to the supermarket with her Mum, she is appalled by the difficulty they would have to avoid it completely. So she makes a banner to protest outside the supermarket and emails the manager in the hope it will make them take action.
Hope's family are supportive yet protective of her. Internet safety is covered when Hope says her blog is being monitored by her parents and she won't say where she lives, although she does give away a lot of other information which could easily identify her.
Hope gradually discovers that stopping using plastic will not be easy, but reducing its consumption is. She researches other political activists such as Emily Pankhurst, and suggests the reader looks on the internet to do the same, but misses an opportunity to suggest using books and, presumably when this book was written, Greta Thunberg's movement was not as well known, so she is omitted too - although much more similar to Hope's circumstances.
This book recognises it's the adults in charge who hold the key to altering behaviour, but does give children an idea of how they too can do their bit. The black and white illustrations add interest, breaking up the text to make it that bit more accessible to younger readers.
This book is an important addition to plastic pollution awareness, a helpful manual in self activism and an enjoyable early read.
176 pages / Ages 8+ / Reviewed by Dawn Woods, school librarian
Suggested Reading Age 7+
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