Legendary Creatures: Mythical Beasts and Spirits from Around the World

Legendary Creatures: Mythical Beasts and Spirits from Around the World

By Author / Illustrator

Adam Auerbach


Myths & Legends

Age range(s)



Pushkin Children's Books








A beautifully illustrated, imaginative picture book featuring mythological creatures drawn from diverse cultural traditions.From the fearsome three-headed Chimera of ancient Greece and the peaceful Navagunjara of Indiato the awe-inspiring dragons of Europe and East Asia, this vibrantly illustrated collection celebrates wondrous creatures from cultures across the globe.Featuring a vast array of fierce monsters, powerful spirits, ancient gods, and helpful beasts, Legendary Creatures is the perfect introduction to the fascinating world of mythology.



Legendary Creatures: Mythical Beasts and Spirits from Around the World offers a fascinating introduction to mythical beasts and spirits. A map of the world identifying each creature's location is included at the beginning of the book and a note from the author explains that the book only includes a sampling of the countless mythical beings stories have been told about.

Presented in alphabetical order, each spread is vividly illustrated, instantly capturing both interest and imagination, and accompanied by a succinct description of the creature, its origins and the stories connected with it. There is just enough information here to either satisfy the curiosity of younger children or to ignite their interest and inspire them to seek more. Some additional information about each creature is given at the end of the book, along with a list of the sources used.

A pleasing range of beasts is included from the very familiar such as dragons - with a wonderful gatefold illustration - to those perhaps less well-known such as the Cipactli or the Mimi. A lovely introduction to world mythology!

52 pages / Reviewed by Sue Wilsher, teacher

Suggested Reading Age 5+


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