Let's Read: Dressing Up

Let's Read: Dressing Up

By Author / Illustrator

Simon Mugford



Age range(s)



QED Publishing




Paperback / softback




A series of fiction and non-fiction books introducing key social, emotional and academic skills to help prepare children for Reception and support their journey through Early Years, KS1 and beyond. The books in this series will cover topics that children of today can relate to, encouraging an interest in the world around the child and supporting familiarisation of specific subjects.



QED essentials is a series of books designed to help children develop skills in reading, thinking, writing, talking and listening. 'Dressing Up' is a fun non-fiction book with simple sentences and clear photographs. I particularly like that the sentences are structured slightly differently and feature different pronouns - a great discussion point for young readers. The content itself is quite interesting, and I'm sure younger readers will enjoy looking at the different costumes and talking about their own dressing up experiences. At the end of the book are some activities that you can do with your child, the first page has activities to develop reading skills - matching words to pictures and clapping the syllables in words. The next page has some sound/word finding activities and requires the reader to turn to different pages in the book to find things. This is a great skill for children to develop. There is clear progression from the earlier books in this series (book banded 'pink'). It's particularly good for parents who may need extra support helping their children to develop early reading skills, as it has a 'help' page at the back. 24 pages / Ages 4+ / Reviewed by Lizi Backhouse, teacher

Suggested Reading Age 3+


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