One Up

By Author / Illustrator
Ben Sanders
Friends and family
Little Tiger
Green and Blue are best friends. But . . . who is the bestest? Green builds a bigger, better shell. And then Blue builds a biggerer, betterer shell! Uh-oh - I think we can guess where this is going.
Who, or what, will ultimately triumph?
This furiously fast-paced and witty picture book warns of the dangers of comparing yourself to others, especially your friends! Packed with lots of visual humour, children will hoot with laughter at Blue and Green's ever-growing silly shells. From Clive Penguin illustrator and creator of the Agent Harrier graphic novel series, Ben Sanders.
One up is a story about best friends. Best friends who fall out because they want to know who is the best turtle. They make their shells bigger and better and taller and more amazing but soon discover this does not make them happy. This is a simple story about trying to outdo your neighbour and how, in the end, all that matters is enjoying ice-cream with a friend.
Both Blue Turtle and Green Turtle are easy to relate to and easy to like. Most of the book is illustrated in two colours with some grey, black and occasional orange, which gives it a timeless quality.
This book was really enjoyed by the children I shared it with. My two-year-old instantly started talking about friends and best friends and it helped him to understand the concept of friendship. My eight-year-old looked at the book in a deeper way and could see that having more stuff than your friend does not make you happy.
I will be taking this book to school and using it with my Year 1 class (five- and six-year-olds). I will read it to the whole class but also use it when friends fall out to show them that they don't need more than their friend. It will help them to understand that friends don't always agree - but we can still be friends.
Picture book / Reviewed by Jen Bevan, teacher
Suggested Reading Age 0+