Spot the Mistake: Lands of Long Ago

Spot the Mistake: Lands of Long Ago

By Author / Illustrator

AJ Wood, Mike Jolley, Frances Castle


Information books

Age range(s)



Wide Eyed Editions








'This large, lively book taps into children's delight in gloating over grownup errors, encouraging critical scrutiny along the way.' The Guardian

NY Times Summer Reading activity books choice

Would a Mayan warrior have worn a watch? Would a Viking have used a compass? Test your knowledge of history and spot 20 mistakes in every scene. Then, turn the page to discover if you were right and learn more fun facts about ancient civilisations, including the Ancient Greeks, the Ancient Egyptians, the Romans, the Mayans, the Vikings and many more!


Ruby - Age 9

It's fun because you learn about history by trying to find things that are wrong in the detailed pictures. It's a bit like spot the difference. For example, in the Emperor's Palace in Ancient China you wouldn't expect to see a calculator or a hot air balloon because these things were invented much later. In an outing to the Acropolis you wouldn't have seen a pram or a statue of Henry V111th. Sometimes I was pleased that the answers were at the back of the book! I found it funny and learnt a lot about History. It made me think.

Suggested Reading Age 9+


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