The Diamond Thief

The Diamond Thief

By Author / Illustrator

Sharon Gosling



Age range(s)



Curious Fox




Paperback / softback




No one performs on the circus trapeze like 16-year-old Remy Brunel. But Remy also leads another life, prowling through the backstreets of Victorian London as a jewel thief. When she is forced to steal one of the world's most valuable diamonds, she uncovers a world of treachery and fiendish plots.



I was hooked from the start, stumbling into a world so unlike my own it was both daunting and intriguing. This novel begins sixty feet in the air in the middle of a circus ring, with Remy, the star act revealing her aptitude for heights. Remy's talents in the circus tent also make her an integral part of the circus master's plans, engulfing her in a darker world and setting her on a dangerous path of discovery. Helping to make this a captivating read is the subtle mix of the gritty real and the fantastical; this amalgamation is what sets The Diamond Thief apart from other mystery stories. Furthermore, one is not inclined to dwell upon the plausibility of dreamlike aspects of the story as the writer herself does not dwell upon them but rather lays them out as possibilities to be explored. The circus is often a setting for theft and unsavoury characters so at times some of the characters seemed to lack a certain originality or depth. This did not, however, overly detract from one's ability to enjoy the novel. On the contrary, it can be helpful for younger readers to make such connections in novels such as related characters and settings and so this could provide topic for discussion. This book certainly has what it takes to grip the reader's attention and I would highly recommend this for children aged between eleven and sixteen depending on reading ability. 349 pages / Ages 11+ / Reviewed by Katie Lancaster, teacher.

Suggested Reading Age 11+


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