What if you could remember everything?

Posted on Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Category: Author Videos

Imagine being able to remember everything, EVERYTHING that has happened to you since the day you were born....

Find out more about The Chestnut Roaster

Since the day she was born, Piaf has been able to remember everything that has ever happened to her. So when someone sets out to trick people by stealing their memories, including her beloved brother's memories of their childhood together, it's up to Piaf to try to make things right again.

Author Eve McDonnell introduces her new historical fiction novel, The Chestnut Roaster, which is set in Paris in the late 19th century, a period that saw the completion of the Eiffel Tower, which features in the story. Follow Piaf's adventures through the tunnels that lie beneath the streets of Paris in her desperate search for the memory thief.