Black Beauty

By Author / Illustrator
Anna Sewell, Leonard B. Cole, Norman Nodel, Stephen Addeo
Classic Comic Store Ltd
Paperback / softback
Black beauty, I think, is a traditional story. It is all about a young horse who grows up moving from place to place and in some places they treat her badly. Through some of the journies there where some accidents like in one of the chapters there was something like a fire and only two horses couldn't make it and were put down. Very sad and all that Black Beauty could think about was her dear owner, this boy called James . Some of it was depressing, on the other hand it was was exciting. All that it does is encourage you to read more and more. I also think that the story was as old as the book is itself. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I have encouraged you to read it.
Suggested Reading Age 7+