How to Drive a Roman Chariot

How to Drive a Roman Chariot

By Author / Illustrator

Caryl Hart, Ed Eaves


Picture Books

Age range(s)



Simon & Schuster Ltd




Paperback / softback




Join Albie on a brand new adventure in the tenth book in this brilliant series by the bestselling author and illustrator pairing, Caryl Hart and Ed Eaves. This is the perfect introduction into the Albie series, which is packed with fun, friendship, and soft curriculum-based learning.

Albie is outside feeding the horses, when it starts to rain and he finds himself whisked off to Ancient Rome!  There he meets a young girl, Julia and before they know it they are at the helm of a runaway chariot. Can they stop the chariot before it's too late?  Ancient History has never been so much fun!



Who doesn't love an Albie adventure story?! Albie is back for another adventure with the tenth book in this fantastically popular series. Children delight in the pure imagination of Albie and his stories; this one is no exception. Caryl Hart and Ed Eaves have once again created a picture book full of adventure, excitement and fun.

How to Drive a Roman Chariot begins with the familiar call from Albie's Mum... She takes him to feed some horses, but whilst they are there it begins to rain and whoosh, Albie is transported into a Roman barn. Here he meets Julia, a young Roman girl, and they watch a Roman parade, but as they watch the chariot gets loose and it is up to Albie and Julia to catch the runaway chariot.

Julia is not afraid and, grabbing the reins, exclaims that she has 'always wanted to be a chariot driver, but girls aren't allowed'. She soon sets out to prove that girls can do anything they set their minds to and she heads for the hippodrome. When she wins the race, the Emperor has to decide what to do with a girl winner, before Albie is transported back to his normal time period, but with Albie, that is never for very long!

This story is both historically interesting and exciting to read. Fast paced with plenty of adventure, Albie's stories are always fun to read. With bright, colourful illustrations that are instantly recognisable to the Albie brand, all children will be able to engage with this story. I particularly enjoy the facial expressions on all the characters as it is very easy for children to comprehend their emotions. The attention to historical details within the illustrations is fantastic as it opens many conversation points with your child.

I hugely recommend How to Drive a Roman Chariot, it is a wonderful addition to any book shelf and it undoubtedly a story your child will return to again and again.

Picture book / Reviewed by Joanna Hewish, teacher

Suggested Reading Age 3+


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