All the Wonderful Ways to Read
By Author / Illustrator
Laura Baker, Sandra de la Prada
Picture Books
Age range(s)
Little Tiger Press Group
Paperback / softback
A delightful story by Laura Baker, illustrated with warmth and humour by Sandra de la Prada, that celebrates reading in all its forms.
'Books take us on journeys that we can all share,
And give us the power to go anywhere!
So no matter just how, or what book,
or your speed, what I wish for NOW . . .
Is that YOU love to read!'
This fantastic book inspires ALL children to find their own wonderful way of reading. Little bookworms who love A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston, Wolves by Emily Gravett and Books Always Everywhere by Jane Blatt and Sarah Massini will adore All the Wonderful Ways to Read.
Find out more from Laura Baker in this short video, or read our Q&A with Laura
All the Wonderful Ways to Read by Laura Baker and illustrated by Sandra de la Prada is a journey through all the different ways one can read a book, with vibrant illustrations sharing a love of reading. It took a while for Class 11 to realise that the text was so intricately tied with the illustrations, but once they spotted it, their favourite page was the 'snail/cheetah' illustrations with 'pouring over/speeding to the end' text connections. The children's strength of understanding was enhanced once they grasped this.
A fun book which I am sure will become a firm favourite for school book events in the future. Super for ages 5+.
Picture book / Reviewed by Sharon Porter, teacher
Suggested Reading Age 14+
Books take us on journeys that we can all share, and give us the power to go anywhere! In this beautiful story Laura and Sandra have managed to encapsulate the variety of places you could read, adventures that you could go on with wonderful rhyming text and spell binding illustrations. The wonderful animal illustrations add an extra dimension drawing the reader in.
I can see the text and images from All the Wonderful Ways to Read being the inspiration for libraries, classroom book corners and children's bedrooms for years to come. This is a wonderful text which needs to be shared with every child at a young age and would be perfect to use on World Book day in a classroom or as inspiration for assemblies. One of my favourite books at the moment. An absolute pleasure to read.
Picture book / Reviewed by Amanda, teacher
Suggested Reading Age 5+