My Path

By Author / Illustrator
Jana Curll, Aysha Kala
Personal Growth
Age range(s)
Nosy Crow
Paperback / softback
Joyful, empowering celebration of choice with an adorable snail protagonist - follow the snail's sparkly silver trail on every page and join their amazing adventure!
Every morning, a little snail sets off on their Path. There are mountains to climb, rushing rivers to cross and, sometimes, when the path ahead seems impossible, they need to ask for help. But as long as it feels like the right Path for them, this determined snail keeps going.
Follow this adventurous snail as they decide not to follow the crowd and face unexpected challenges. This inspiring journey will help little ones understand that ANYONE can defy the odds and find their own unique way forward.
My Path will help children choose their own special path . . . and keep going! Find out more from author and illustrator Jana Curll, and enjoy a short reading from My Path:
Every morning, a little snail sets off to follow their Path. Sometimes this path is shared by others; sometimes it is a lonely one; sometimes hard or unexpected. But the snail knows that it is their Path, their unique way forwards and, as long as it feels like the right thing to do, it is theirs to follow.
My Path is a delightful story about making your own decisions and choosing not to follow the crowd, but to forge your own way in life. The little snail's determination and perseverance when faced with difficult choices, their choice to ask for help when needed and the courage of their convictions, all lend themselves to discussions, supporting children to understand that they too can 'walk the road less travelled' and value their individuality, or choose to follow the same path as others as long as this is the right path for them.
When the snail is met by those who challenge their decisions and try to tell them that they are following the wrong path, the story tell us that the snail considers what they are being told before continuing, drawing attention to the fact that not everyone agrees about things and that this is ok, but that is also fine to consider other opinions. There is no need for confrontation, name calling or animosity, but for each to follow the path they have chosen.
The illustrations are delightful with the expressive face of the snail showing the range of emotions it experiences on the path it has chosen. No name is given so any child can identify with this appealing individual as they follow their own path.
Picture book / Reviewed by Sue Wilsher, teacher
Suggested Reading Age 3+