The Boy Who Loved Everyone

The Boy Who Loved Everyone

By Author / Illustrator

Jane Porter, Maisie Paradise Shearring



Age range(s)



Walker Books Ltd







Dimitri loves everyone! From his friends at nursery to the big tree in the playground. But why does no one say it back? After realising he had told everyone he loves them all day long the day before, and no one had said it back, Dimitri felt a little upset. He explained to mum that he didn't want to go to school as no one felt the same way he did. Luckily, mum helps Dimitri to see that saying 'I love you' out loud to someone is not the only way to show you care. Love is sharing food with others that need it most, love is inviting someone to join in and feel welcomed, love is a hug, and love is being there, being together. The illustrations are child-friendly, relatable and brilliantly detailed to reflect changes in the characters emotions. This tender story is about the power of kindness and most certainly deserves a place in the classroom to share with young readers; young children, full of emotion, with lots to learn about the world around them. This would be a great book to use as a stimulus to talk about ways in the classroom we can show love and care towards others. A great little bed time read too! Picture book / Ages 4+ / Reviewed by Nikki Stiles, teacher

Suggested Reading Age 5+


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